Financial Wellness Center
For many students, college is the first time you are in control of the majority of your finances. While focusing on your academic success and goal of attaining your degree, you may now be responsible for paying your own bills and stretching your financial aid funds to last the entire semester. Find out more on what steps you can take to help improve your financial wellness by visiting the Financial Wellness Center page.

Dean of Students: Crisis Funds and Emergency Housing
If you need temporary housing, please request to meet with the Dean of Students Office to discuss possible options. On campus housing (signing a housing contract) may be available for students who are currently homeless or currently living in a home environment that is abusive and/or violent. For more information about crisis funds and emergency housing, please visit the Dean of Students website.

Student First Center and Financial Aid
Visit the UC Merced Financial Aid website to learn how to apply for financial aid, where to receive aid, how to submit an appeal. Find helpful financial resources like information on Federal Work Study, and much more!

CashCourse App
This free online source, linked HERE, provides financial education resources and other tools such as a Budget wizard, worksheets, calculators, quizzes, and more. For example, the Needs and Wants worksheet shows you that one way to help you spend wisely is to separate your needs from your wants and to spend money primarily on your needs.
Last Updated: Feb. 9, 2024